HDK – The future of Golf Carts?

HDK USA are fairly new to the whole Golf Cart arena but they are making major waves in an attempt to gain a market share in a world that has been dominated by EZ GO and ClubCar.

Of course this is no easy accomplishment but given the product that they have and the price that they are currently offering it at, it is easy to see that they will make it.

We have a selection of carts in our warehouse and have given them a thorough inspection, they are very well-built, where as with other main golf cart manufacturers you have to add-on the likes of turn signals, extended roof, horn, wing mirrors, speedometer, battery meter etc, they all come as standard! The battery charger is even built-in so you don’t have to carry it about all you do is simply plug-in the cable to the cart!

I highly recommend this product and trust me we have seen every golf cart you can imagine, this one is at the lowest price and simply cannot be beaten for what you actually get in terms of value.

Below is a gallery of just a few products that they offer, you can visit our website (www.golfcartrentalsorlando.com) for more information and current pricing.

Fort Wilderness Golf Cart Rentals

Well guys it is an unfortunate thing for all but Disney are officially cracking down on all of us Golf Cart companies delivering to the Fort!

Yep, yesterday we were delivering a cart and were met by security who told us that we can no longer do so, they did get the sheriff to issue us with a trespass citation which means we can no longer go onto Fort Wilderness property!

This obviously is not great news, they apparently done the same with 3 other companies just yesterday so they are taking it very seriously at the moment. Who can blame them for monopolizing the market! I mean they obviously don’t make enough money, what does that matter to us little guys!

There are of course ways you can still rent an off site cart you can call us for details of this and we would be happy to assist you.

If you are a fellow Golf Cart company then take this as a warning that they will get you! and they know from simple internet searches who we all are!

Golf Cart Rentals Orlando – The Blog

We at Golf Cart Rentals Orlando have decided to venture into the great blogosphere that seems to define the Internet these days. We set up in business initially seeing the Internet as our main source for revenue. This of course is just a tiny part of what we do. Turns out as good as our website (www.golfcartrentalsorlando.com) is only 5% of our bookings come from it!

Of course the Internet cannot be ignored so in an attempt to increase our brand awareness we have decided to start this blog.

Basic it may be but who knows maybe we will make it more illustrious some day!

So our intention for this blog is to as I said make people more aware of ourselves but also to keep our customers up to date with relevant information concerning their upcoming Orlando Vacation or Business trip. So many times I read on various forums an in clear view of delivery availability or whether a golf cart is allowed on a certain resort or place of interest. Our aim is to clear what we can up for you. We will continue to view the forums but as a business owner it is in ethical of me to contribute to a lot of them so this is our way of helping out.

It may take some time to get going but I believe ‘good things come to those that wait’? Or something like that!

Keep checking back for updates and of course if you have any questions let us know and we would be more than happy to answer.
